A calendar is not just a piece of paper, they have lots of information about days, dates and holidays in a month. There are many types of the calendar are available like monthly, weekly, daily and yearly calendar template. Here we shared the May month calendar template. In this May 2020 Calendar Template available in a various format. It is simple to use and free to download.
A calendar can be used for various reasons. You can make a plan for daily life. These plans if you follow it regularly you can solve lots of problems. It makes your life easy and simple. Established offices and business use the calendar for organized the work. Choose the favourite calendar template.
You can add text, colour and notes. If you download the May 2020 Calendar With Holidays you can edit very easily. These calendar templates allow sharing via online resources. With the help of the calendar, you can remember multiple dates. These templates are ready to use in a downloadable format.

May 2020 Printable Calendar
You want to spend the time with family so you need a vacation. May 2020 calendar with holidays also help you to make your plan for the holidays. All holidays are mention. You can say that the calendar is a complete solution to solve the problem. So enjoy life and make a balance between personal and professional life. Your mind is more calm and tense. You do more focus on your work also.
Welcome to the fifth month of the year. It has 31 days. The wonderful Fifth month got its name from the Greek Goddess who was known as Maia. In other languages, May is popular in different names. In Roman and Latin called the Maius. In Spanish called the Mayo. This is the third and last month of the spring season. This month is considered a bit of bad luck with getting married. Many interesting festivals are celebrated across the world.

May Calendar 2020 Printable
May Birth flower is lily of the valley and Hawthorn. Lily flower signifies the sweetness, humility and motherhood. This is the perfect gift for the mother on her birthday. You want to express the love give them a lily flower. Hawthorn flower is unique. It is a small white and pink flower. This flower represents hope and supreme happiness.
May born Facts – These kind of people are self-motivated people. Once they started the work to make sure that they keep them complete. They are the big dreamer but never forget the reality. They appreciate the literature and arts. They are passionate about the work. They do all the work with their heart.
World No Tobacco Day – World No Tobacco Day is celebrated all over the world on May 31st. On this day people to encourage people to quit using cigarettes and tobacco products. On this day people raise awareness about the health problems associated with using tobacco. This day was established in 1988 by the world health Assembly. Government Agencies and hospital organize the awareness camp and give them advice on how to solve the problem.