In modern time everyone is busy in our daily life. So they want to make our life in a better way. So best and easy option is the calendar. December 2019 Calendar use in our daily life. The calendar is very useful for all age groups of people. Monthly planner makes your life easier. With the help of scheduling, you can keep track of holidays, events, birthdays and appointments for months or even years.
Use the printable December Calendar 2019 to write and make your life more positive. Keep the schedule and all the things that you are grateful for and you will see the benefits very fast. This proves to increase happiness and confidence. Your calendar is used for memory keeping. This calendar helps a lot in the workplace and school.
If you are in school or working, organize your exams, meetings, assignments, projects using this calendar. You handle all different tasks and you have to deal with them. It helps you organize our tasks and schedule important activities.

Free Printable December 2019 Calendar
Download simple and clean calendar template to organize the whole month with proper planning. If you want to track your daily work with the help of a calendar. So that you do not miss important work in your life. December is the last and twelfth month of the year according to the Georgian and Julian calendars. It has 31 days.
In the Roman calendar, It was the tenth month of the year. The name December is derived from the Latin word Decem (meaning ten). At the end of the month all over the world, people celebrate Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve with love, humanity and gifts.
It is also the month to think about new beginnings and decisions. It is also a good time to think about what is done and pass through the end of the year. It is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere.

Free Printable December Calendar 2019
December Facts – This is the first month of winter. In the United States, Fruitcake Month, Pear Month and Eggplant Month are celebrated. This month is also known as Awareness Month as World AIDS Day is celebrated on 1 December. Holy Innocents- In western Churches, It is celebrated on 28 December and in the eastern churches it is celebrated on 29 December.
Holy Innocents was saved the child Jesus from death by King Herod’s by his own blood. The Holy Innocents are special guardians of young children who can please the child of Christ by being obedient and helpful to parents, as well as sharing their toys and loving their siblings and playmates.
Holi Innocents’ feast is an excellent time for parents to inaugurate the custom of blessing their children. Parents can simply sign across with a thumb submerged in holy water on the child’s forehead and say: God bless you, and may he be the protector of your heart and mind – father, + son And the Holy Spirit. Amen.