The calendar is a very important tool and is used for the workplace and personal purpose. The calendar will make it easier to manage all plans and activities. People mark the dates with their activities and monitor all the events of their daily lives. Everyone has hope and enthusiasm for the New Year. All over the world, people celebrate New Year’s Eve and welcome the year with a great celebration.
People arrange parties and plan holidays in particular. In this article, we have mentioned national and international holidays. We provide you with free printable templates for every month and year. We have many formats that are suitable for every purpose. You can get here the two-month calendar format – November December 2019 Calendar in PDF, Excel and word format here.
A printable calendar is an online calendar that can be obtained from any device, such as a laptop, mobile, tablet, etc. The various type of calendar can be found in weekly, monthly or yearly templates, so you can choose different formats according to your need. Today we will talk about the two-month calendar. See More October November 2019 Calendar

November December 2019 Calendar
As you know, planning in advance is always beneficial because it helps us to set our minds and work according to those goals. So here you can find November and December 2019 calendar templates in various designs and layouts. Planning your activity by month here we mention two months. Both months are very special.
November month has many fun facts. In the Gregorian calendar, this is the 11th month of the year. This month has 30 days. This month celebrate USA four special events- All Saints Day, All soul’s Day, Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving Day.
Famous personality also born in this month. Anne Sexton the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet was born on November 9 1928. India First Female prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi was born on November 19, 1917. Gulliver’s Travels author of Jonathan Swift was born on November 30, 1667.

November December Calendar 2019
November month has two zodiac sign – Scorpio and Sagittarius. People born from November 1 to 20 are the member of Scorpio sun sign. In the astrological Scorpio is the eighth sign. People of Scorpio are very energetic, strong-willed and passionate. Those born under this sign, with Pluto as the ruling planet, are considered dynamic and extreme in their opinion.
December is the last month and twelfth month of the year. It is the first month of the winter season. Winter solstice, also known as midwinter, occurs around 21 or 22 December each year in the Northern Hemisphere and 20 or 21 June in the Southern Hemisphere. It occurs on the shortest day or longest night of the year, sometimes astronomically stated as being in the beginning or middle of the winter of the hemisphere.
Monkey day is an unofficial holiday, it is celebrated on 14 December. Monkeys live all over the world and come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Their personalities and habits attract human attention on many levels. These intelligent animals with large thumbs also live in family groups.