August 2019 Calendar Template is the name given in the honour of the Augustus Caesar. He was the First Roman Emperor; he was the grandnephew of Julius Caesar. August 1st is celebrated as a Lammas Day. This day has traditionally been marked as the beginning of the harvest.
August is a great month for full moon and star gazing. In North America, a partial solar eclipse occurs on August 11. It is only visible in NE Canada. In Northern Hemisphere, August 2019 Calendar Printable is similar to February in the Southern Hemisphere. In Sweden, 22 per cent of men were born in August.
August month history – August 16, 1856, President James Buchanan launch the new transatlantic telegraph cable in the United Kingdom by exchanging greetings with Queen Victoria. August 30, 1835, Melbourne, Australia was founded. August 31, 1965, The Aero Spacelines Super Guppy aircraft made its inaugural flight.
August 2019 Calendar Template
August birth month flowers are the poppy and gladiolus. gladius flower is associated from Ancient Rome. Traditionally symbol is honour and strength. But there is a different meaning when these flowers are offered as a gift, which symbolizes love at first sight. The gladiolus flower has five colour including red, white, purple, pink and yellow. Every colour conveys a different meaning.
The second august birth flower is poppy. These beautiful flowers come in three colour- red, yellow and white. White poppy flowers are used for medical purpose. In ancient and Roman time the poppy flower was considered as a symbol of remembrance. It was used to offer the newly dead and wishes them to rest in peace.
The monthly calendar template should be focused most of the time. you can easily track all the activities. You feel always updating your schedule with this. You can share the work and plan with the people and colleagues also. You can always stay focused on important activities.
Aug 2019 Calendar Template
Daily and weekly scheduling is a way to keep you on track with the activities so that you get success. It doesn’t matter what calendar system you are using If you are using paper calendar write down the hard events like phone calls, appointments, birthdays and meetings. If you use online medium then you can note down all the things even you set the reminders and easily track all the things.
Enjoy your work easier with the template. Calendars are portable and can be carried anywhere you want. You can see your work details, appointments and meetings anywhere and you can share your work with others.
Civic/Provincial Day is observed on August, 5. It is a holiday which is celebrated in many parts of Canada. This holiday is traced to the mid 19th century. The purpose of this holiday is to celebrate the local history and culture, as well as a remembrance and feel proud of the achievements of their people. It is celebrated in a wide variety of ways. On this day people enjoy the picnic and BBQs. Some people spend their day at home and enjoy the meal.