August 2019 Calendar Printable – In the 21st century, people want to succeed and achieve in their life. The calendar makes our life more systematic and easy. That’s why people prefer calendar. The calendar is very important in everyone’s life. They make a proper daily routine. It is a simple and useful tool. It helps people to be more productive. Two types of the calendar are available – Paper or online calendar.
Your time is more valuable don’t let it go waste. If you want to spend quality time with your family and friends, so it must be essential to make a monthly plan. So you make a plan according to the work preferences and also give out time for family, office and of course for you. They give you a properly balanced life. Proper planning gives your mind relaxation. Planning always helps to resolve the obstacles.
The best plan is a way to calculate your daily progress, if you want to change the plan then you can. But follow your plan regularly, so track the progress. It makes your life comfortable and disciplined. Here you get the template in various design. You can August 2019 Calendar download and make a plan . Even you can use the online format in your mobiles and laptop.

August 2019 Calendar Printable
New Month is starting with new hope and happiness. So make a plan in advance because August is the month of summer holiday. Most of the countries have a summer holiday. August, the eight months of the year and drives its name from Augustus Caesar. The August month people are very shy.
They are good leaders, enjoy appreciation and limelight. When they talk to others they are a little bit straight forward. They are suitable and are only worthy of their time. But if they love you, they actually do it. They will give you whatever they have.
The birth flower of August is gladius and poppy. Gladiolus referred to as a sword because it has a long and thin shape. It symbolizes the honesty and strength of personality. Gladiolus carries different meaning by colour. Red symbolizes love. Yellow symbolizes joy. Purple symbolizes charm and grace. And White gladiolus symbolizes the innocence.
Poppy is known for its bright red colour. It is worn on Armistice Day in countries like the United Kingdom, Canada and France, which is a symbol of memory for those who lost their lives in World War I.

August Calendar 2019 Printable
Famous Personality is born in August Month – Barack Obama Was born on 4th August, 44th President of the United States. Madonna was born on August 16th, Legendary Pop Star. Michael Jackson born on 29th August, he was known as the king of POP.
August Events – Eid-Al-Adha celebrate by Muslims all around the world. At the beginning of this religious holiday, Muslims gather in mosques to pray to God. These prayers are further extended by the exchange of gifts and good wishes among friends and family members. When these initial steps are over, the last step of the ritual can be applied.
During this holiday, Muslims are expected to sacrifice the animal. It can be a goat, camel and cow depending on the social status and culture. The meat is divided into three first is for family, second for the friends and neighbors and the third part is given to the poor and needy people. They pronounced Allah’s name is a symbol of God’s desire to sacrifice in our lives so that a person can remain on the path of righteousness.