August 2019 Calendar With Holidays – August is also known as the holiday month. This is the final month of summer. The name is given in 8BC by Roman Emperor. The Roman called the August 2019 Calendar Template month” sextilis” meaning is the sixth month of the year. During August, many victories have occurred. This month is also known as Harvest month.
Many facts about August month – August 1, 1876, Colorado also known as the centennial state. It became the 38th state of the United States of America. Lincoln penny was issued on August 2, 1909. Many national days are also celebrated on this month like a national family fun month, peach, golf and picnic month.
August birthstones are the peridot and sardonyx. Both birthstones are different in terms of quality and substance. In ancient times, peridot was considered as a symbol of the sun. The Greeks believed that it brings royal status to its wear. Crusaders thought that Peridots were emerald, and brought them back to Europe, where they were portrayed as ornaments in churches.
August 2019 Calendar With Holidays
Sardonyx combines alternate layers of sard and onyx – two types of layered mineral chalcedony to form a red-zebra-striped gem with a white band. Sardonic stones usually have flat-banded, white and brown-red bands.
The word sardonicus is derived from Greek, which means “red-brown,” and onyx means “worn gem.” The best stones are found in India. They are also found in Germany, Czechoslovakia, Brazil and Uruguay. In the United States, sardonicus can be found in Lake Superior region and in Oregon.
August comes with vacation; people want to take a long break at the end of the summer. It is very important to plan in advance. What else will be done in that month? Are celebrations, birthdays, weddings, special invitations? Will there be meetings, seminars, business events? Get August 2019 calendar with holidays in your hand and fill in August days and see the first free day.
Aug 2019 Calendar With Holidays
The calendar helps a lot to make your daily routine systematically. The monthly calendar provides you with complete information. You can mark your holiday plan, important dates and track your daily routine, plans, and activities. The best part of this calendar template is to customize the calendar according to your requirements.
World Humanity Day was established in December 2008 by the United Nations General Assembly. This day is annually observed on August 19th. The main purpose of the holiday to bring people together and to solve humanitarian issues. It is also a day to remember those who have lost their lives in the service of humanitarian causes.
Women’s Equality day which falls on annually on 26th August. This holiday has celebrated the right to vote for women, as well as the idea of equality among men and women. This holiday celebrates all women organizations across the country, who work hard to provide equal opportunities in education and employment to women.