December is the last and twelfth month of the year according to the Georgian and Julian calendar. It has 31 days. It was the tenth month of the year in the Roman Calendar. December name is taken from the Latin word decem (meaning ten). At the end of the month all over the world, people celebrate Christmas Eve and New Year Eve with love, humanity and gifts.
This is also a month to think about the new beginning and decision. It is also a good time to think about what is done and passes through this year’s end. It is the smallest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and the longest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere.
December facts – Hello December, It is the first month of winter. In the USA, celebrated the fruitcake month, pear month and eggnog month. This month is also known as an awareness month because World’s AIDS Day is celebrated on 1st December. See More December 2019 Blank Calendar

December 2019 Calendar
A calendar is a good way to organize the personal, administrative and commercial purpose. With the help of the calendar, you can follow the work by day, week, month and year. A calendar is just like a reminder so that our important work is not missed. We can complete all the work on time. Nowadays people are so dependent on calendars.
Calendar help how to manage your work plan and holidays. There is an option to make a plan in advance and organize the work. If you want one year plan in advance then you choose a yearly template, Monthly. the weekly and daily template is also in the option. It depends on your preferences.
You can pick anyone and make your life easier. Firstly download the template calendar and use this template. Our site provides full information regarding the 2019 Year.

Calendar For December 2019
World Aids day is celebrated on 1st December. This day is a day dedicated to raising awareness and spread awareness about HIV. It is celebrated by government agencies, health agencies and private organization all around the world. People can celebrate World AIDS Day in many ways. They can get a red ribbon from World AIDS Day online.
World AIDS Day was conceived by Thomas Netter and James Ban during the summer of 1987. They saw it as a day that would help focus on the HIV virus and help overcome some myths about disease and people.
Christmas Day is a very special time of year. It is celebrated on 25th December all over the world. It is time for celebration, good wishes and miracles. It is also a time of year when many people spend time with their family and friends.
People decorate their houses and Christmas trees with lights, stars, ornaments Family members and close friends are generally assembled on this day. The family member is given a small gift on this occasion.